Saturday, July 11, 2009

This country was founded on rebellion. Where did that spirit go?
Our government is walking all over us, and we sit back and let it happen.

The fact that the Brown's were convicted and will spend the rest of their lives in jail is enraging. These people were standing up for what they believe in, and rather than listening and working with them, this government simply throws them away. They are two smart human beings, beneficial to society, a well-to-do couple who was doing their part to stimulate the economy. The Brown's need all the support they can get right now.

I can't help but wonder...why did the judge dismiss one juror the day before deliberation, and then tell the remaining jury to not speculate about it? He was the one who would have hung the jury, causing a mistrial. It's very upsetting. How a jury of their peers could have found them guilty of plotting to kill US marshalls is beyond me. It seems pretty obvious that they were only planning to defend themselves if necessary. The only party who fired shots WAS the government. Not necessarily at them, but at supporters. It's just...ridiculous.

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