Monday, July 27, 2009

I can see my family falling apart before my eyes, ever since my grandmother died; it's as if she was the glue which held us all together. She died and my grandfather fell into dementia which is quickly evolving into Alzheimer's. My uncle came out of the closet, and the only person with a problem with his sexuality is him. It's as if something snapped inside his head once he finally admitted to himself that he was a gay man. When he was "straight", he was the best uncle--so involved and loving. I had decided long ago that he would walk me down the aisle since he was the closest thing to a father figure I had, and that was especially so when he first came out; he was sad because all he ever really wanted was a family, but he refuses to bring children into a home without a mother. When I heard that, I was sure that I wanted him to walk me down the aisle because that's one of the biggest events in a father's life. But now, I don't think that he deserves it. He seems to have forgotten my birthday, phone number, email address, etc. My mother can give me away. I love Brian's family, and I can't wait to be a Noone.

Happy things: I got offered a permanent job at the company I'm currently temping at! I'll go from Editorial Assistant to Competitive Analysis Coordinator; salaried, a lot more money, benefits... awesome. Brian and I will probably move North Shore somewhere, following our stint at my aunt's in Chelmsford. Maybe I can go find something for super cheap to move in...

"Man's biggest mistake is to believe that he's working for someone else." -fortune cookie

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