Monday, September 20, 2010

Skinny Jean Guilt

I just bought--and wore out in public--my first pair of skinny jeans. And I felt pretty good about it; so good, I'll probably wear them again tomorrow.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. Does anybody else REALLY remember skinny jeans? There were visible socks, there was acid wash, there were pre-made rips--and we do one of those three to our 13-inch ankle widths already.

I was flipping through next month's ELLE (I very rarely do, it's all ads, but I won't pass up a $4 subscription to very many magazines) and there, on this non-ad page, were two models dressed in outfits reminiscient of the some-month 1987 issue of Seventeen I have somewhere around here, with the blurb, "Chloe's western prep collection is so 1985--and we're crazy for it!" I am NOT. What happened to mocking 80s dress?

I have a theory: the fashion designers nowadays are kids of teens and 20-, 30-somethings of the 80s. They got their parents' hand-me-downs; flipped through old photos of their parents' parties. Everything's a throwback and, personally, I hope I'm not too old to wear 30" flares when they come back around.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Solving the Financial Crisis

If we all only use the banks for paying bills, withdraw all other monies and use cash to buy material things (i.e. clothes, meals, gadgets, etc.), it would help. Cash suddenly stopped being used over the last decade, and it needs to get back into circulation.

It's too bad people couldn't just be trusted; we wouldn't even need banks.

Monday, March 22, 2010

As a country, we're only as strong as our weakest citizen; in order to strengthen the general population, we must first strengthen the weakest.

Healthcare to all, and to all a goodnight!