Monday, June 29, 2009

Stonewall Riots - Texas Raids

Photo: Patrick Michels

Is it a bit of irony that cops in Fort Worth raided a gay bar the night before the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, the night before the Million Gay March of Texas? Straight guys, like these cops, always try to substantiate beating on gay guys by saying they were hit on: "Police said two intoxicated individuals made sexually explicit moves toward officers and a third grabbed a TABC agent’s groin" (The Houston Chronicle). One arrestee was left with a brain injury.

It is just absolutely sickening how little progress this country as a whole has made towards recognizing gay rights... I am waiting for the day when "rights" are no longer differentiated by the group, as we are all human. Human rights should be applicable to, well, HUMANS. (Shouldn't that be "humen"?) There ARE rights afforded to humans, but the actual rights afforded to the individual depends on if you are gay, straight, white, black, male, female, transexual, transvestite, yellow, brown, polygamist... How can that actually be okay?

This world is just so wrong. I hate it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the Death of Hands

Imagine it's 2786. What do you think the human race, whatever it has become, is using their hands for? I don't think we'll be as dexterous. There will be more machines, and all we'll have to do is fix them, use a hand drill, or push their buttons; neither take much dexterity. They will preserve old manuscripts for the handwriting, not for the content, much like we preserve old stone tablets with words carved into the face. Our use for journals has changed significantly since I kept one when I was single-digits. Remember when we didn't want anyone to read our random thoughts? Now we put it all out there for the world to see, if it ever makes it there...

My last post was written on the day my dog died, well before I knew it. To be so naive again would be bliss. RIP Colby =*