Maine became the fifth state yesterday to allow gay marriage; New Hampshire is on its way to becoming the sixth. This officially makes New England the greatest place to live in the country. Now, Rhode Island...
In my mind, there is a perfect world which doesn't exist, where all of its citizens are able to live as freely as they please, as individuals; where our neighbors are happy for each other, as long as the individual is happy; where our neighbors don't care what their neighbors are doing, as long as the individual isn't doing anything to hurt anyone else. This world is coming more and more into focus as, one by one, states allow freedom and encourage happiness.
Just scores ago, people felt very strongly that interracial marriages should not be allowed. It's the sons and daughters of those people who are trying to muffle freedom and equality once again. They are afraid of a couple who looks different than them. Scores from now, we will look back at at these years and think, How ridiculous was that?
Maybe by then, marijuana will be legalized...